Elderly Depression Workshop

The Elderly Department at Arab American Family Services hosted an Elderly Depression Workshop on Tuesday, February 28, 2017, from 10am-12pm. It was an event catered to seniors over 60, their caregivers and family members. This workshop was designed to educate attendees about depression so that they can understand how it affects them or friends and loved ones who may be affected by it.
Discussions ranged from symptomology, treatment, and ways in which they can help someone who may be a victim of mild to moderate depression. Attendees were also able to discuss what they knew about depression as well as what they thought caused it. Aside from gaining knowledge, participants were able to share a meal together and socialize after the presentation. Those in attendance mentioned how pleased they were with the event and how happy they were for coming! It was fun, engaging, and they learned new information that they did not know before!
To hear about our upcoming events, give us a call at (708) 599-AAFS (2237) or contact us via email at @nzein@aafsil.org

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