Award-Winning Documentary Screening, Hosted by AAFS

Free Documentary Screening

Because April is National Sexual Assault Month, we have partnered up with Benedictine University’s SJP, FemPOWER, and The Chicago Palestine Film Festival to feature a powerful and informative documentary on sexual assault. On Wednesday, April 5, 2017, Arab American Family Services will be hosting a screening of the award-winning documentary, Duma, also known as “dolls”, in Arabic.
In a world where women are often pressured not to speak out against the atrocities they’ve faced, this documentary features fearless women from Palestine, on a journey of empowerment and expressive freedom. Duma follows these women who were sexually assaulted by friends and family members as they speak out against the taboos that once imprisoned them.
AAFS condemns these acts and strives to create a safe space for sexual assault and domestic violence victims, through our Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs. This event will be free of charge and leave you with a greater understanding and perspective of how sexual assault impacts someone, especially in a culture that disapproves of acknowledging such acts.
The screening will begin at 7:00 pm and will be in the Birk Building, Room 112, at Benedictine University.
Register here for tickets!

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